石油安装技工Petroleum Installer Technician 钢制造工Steel Fabricator 砖瓦工Tilesetter 卡车运输工Truck and TransportMechanic 水井钻工Water Well Driller 焊接工Welder
半自动焊接操作工Semiautomatic Welding Production Operator 技能级别 A Skill level A 第11组 Group 11
商业金融主要职位Major occupations in Professionalbusiness and finance 111审计师,会计师和投资专家 111Auditors,accountants and investment professionals 112人力资源和商业业务专家 112 Human resources and business service professionals
第21组 Group 21 自然和应用科学主要职位 Majoroccupations in Professional natural and appliedsciences 211物理科学专家 211 Physical science professionals 212生物科学专家 212 Life science professionals 213土木,机械,电气和化学工程师 213 Civil, mechanical,electrical and chemical engineers 214其他工程师 Other engineers 214 215建筑师,城市规划师和土地测量员 215 Architects, urban planners and land surveyors 216数学家,统计师和精算师 216 Mathematicians,statisticians and actuaries 217计算机和信息系统专家 217 Computer and information systems professionals 第31组 医疗保健职位Group 31 Major Professionaloccupations in health (except nursing) 311内科医生,牙医和兽医 311 Physicians, dentists and veterinarians 312验光师,按摩师和其他健康诊断治疗专家 312 Optometrists,chiropractors and other health diagnosing andtreating professionals 313药剂师,营养学家 313 Pharmacists, dietitians and nutritionists 314理疗和评估专家 314 Therapy and assessment professionals 315护士监督员和注册护士 315 Nurse supervisors and registered nurses 第41组Group 41 在社会科学,教育,政府服务和宗教等领域中的专业职位 Major Professional occupations in law and social,community andgovernment services 411 法官,律师和魁北克公证人 411 Judges,lawyers and Quebec notaries 412 大学教授和助教 412 professors and associate professor 413 学院和其他职业指导员 413Institute and other professional instructor 414 中等及小学教师和教育顾问 414Secondary and primary school teachers and education consultant 415 心理学家,社会工作者,顾问,神职人员和缓刑官员 415Social and community service professionals 416 政策和计划人员,研究人员和顾问 416 Policyand program researchers,consultants and officers 第51组 Group 51 在艺术和文化领域的专业职位 Major Professional occupations in art and culture 511 图书管理员,档案管理员,管理员和策展人 511 Librarians,archivists,conservators and curators 512 写作、翻译和公共关系专家 512 Writing,translating and related communications professionals 513 有创造性和表演性的艺术家 513 Creative and performing artists B类 Skill Lever B
第12组 Group 12 行政及业务技能职业 ADMINISTRATIVE AND FINANCIAL SUPERVISORS AND ADMINISTRATIVEOCCUPATIONS 121 办公室主任 121 Administrative services supervisors 122 行政管理职位 122 Administrative and regulatory occupations 123 金融,保险行政职位 123 Financial, insurance administrative position 124 秘书,记录员,直接根据录音打字的打字员 124 Office administrative assistants - general,legal and medical 第22组 Major Group 22 与自然科学和应用科学有关的技术职位 TECHNICAL OCCUPATIONS RELATED TO NATURAL AND APPLIED SCIENCES 221 自然科学中的技术职位 221 Technical occupations in physical sciences 222 生物科学中的技术职位 222 Technical occupations in life sciences 223 土木工程,机械工程,工业工程中的技术职位 223 Technical occupations in civil, mechanical and industrialengineering 224 电子工程,电力工程中的技术职位 224 Technical occupations in electronics and electrical engineering 225 建筑,制图,测量,绘图中的技术职位 225 Technical occupations in architecture, drafting,surveying,geomatics and meteorology 226 其他的技术监管人员 226 Other technical inspectors and regulatory officers 227 运输官员和管理人员 227 Transportation officers and controllers 228 计算机信息系统技术职位 228 Technical occupations in computer and information systems 第32组 Major Group 32 健康卫生中的技术职位 Technical occupations in Health 321 医学技术专家和技术人员(除牙科) 321 Medical technologists and technicians (except dental health) 322 牙科卫生保健中的技术职位 322 Technical occupations in dental health care 323 其他卫生保健中的技术职位(除牙科) 323 Other technical occupations in health care 第42组 Major Group 42
法定范围的辅助专职人员的职业,社会服务,教育和宗教信仰 Parapro- fessional occupations in legal, social,community andeducation services 421律师帮办,社会服务工作者和教育职业者和宗教信仰 421 Parapro-fessional occupations in legal, social, community andeducation services 第52组Major Group 52 在艺术方面的技术职业,文化,娱乐和运动 Technical occupations in art, culture, recreation and sport 521图书馆方面的技术人员,档案馆,博物馆和美术馆 521 Technical occupations in libraries, public archives, museumsand art galleries 522摄影师,图表艺术技术人员和运动图表的对等职业,广播和表演艺术 522 Photographers, graphic arts technicians and technical andco-ordinating occupations in motion pictures,broadcasting and the performing arts 523广播员和其他演员 523 Announcers and other performers, n.e.c. 524创作设计设和工匠 524 Creative designers and craftspersons 525运动员,教练,裁判员和相关职业 525 Athletes, coaches, referees and related occupations 第62组 Major Group 62 技术销售和服务行业 Retail sales supervisors and specialized sales occupations 621销售人员和服务主管 621 Retail sales supervisors 622技术销售专家和贸易批发 622 Technical sales specialists in wholesale trade and retail andwholesale buyers 623保险,房地产销售职业和采购 623 Insurance, real estate and financial sales occupations 624主厨和厨师 chef and cook 624 625屠夫和面包师Ronny turiaf and baker 625626警察和消防员policeand firefighters 626627特别技术职业 627 Special technical occupations 职业群72/73 Major Group72/73 贸易、技能运输和设备操作 Industrial,electrical and construction trades 721 承包商和监管人,贸易及相关工作者 721Contractors andsupervisors, industrial, electrical and construction trades and related workers 722 管理者,铁路和汽车运输职业 723 Machining,metal forming, shaping and erecting trades 723 机械师及相关职业 723 Technicians andworkers 724 电气和电信相关职业 724 Electricaltrades and electrical power line and telecommunications workers 725 水管工、管子安装工及气体装配工 725 Plumbers, pipefitters and gas fitters 726 金属成型,塑造和安装行业 726Metal forming, shaping and installation industry 727 木工和家具师Carpenters and cabinetmakers 727 728 砌体和抹灰行业 728 Masonry andplastering trades 729 其他建筑行业 729 Otherconstruction trades 731 机械和运输设备机械技工(机动车除外) 731 Machinery andtransportation equipment mechanics (except motor vehicle) 732 汽车维修技工Automotive service technicians 732 733 其他机械技工 Other mechanics and related repairers 733 734 家具商、裁缝师、鞋修理者, 珠宝商及相关职业 734 Dealer infurniture, tailor, shoe repair person, the jeweler and relevant professional 735 固定式发动机,电站及系统操作工 735 Stationary engine, powerstation and system operators 736 列车员操作职业 736 Train crewoperating occupations 737 起重机操作员, 钻探工和起爆器工 737 Craneoperators, drillers and blasters 738 印刷工、商业潜水员及其它行业和相关职业 738 Printing pressoperators and other trades and related occupations, n.e.c. 主要类别82 Major Group 82 主要工业中的技能职位 Supervisors and technical occupations in natural resources, agricultureand related production 821 监理员,伐木业和林业 821 Supervisors, logging and forestry 822 监理员,石油和天然气开采业 822 Contractors and supervisors, mining, oil and gas 823 地下矿工,石油和天然气钻井工以及相关技工 823 Underground miners, oil and gas drillers and relatedoccupations 824 伐木机械操作工 824 Logging machinery operators 825 农业、园艺业和水产业承包商,操作员和监理员 825 Contractors and supervisors, agriculture, horticulture andrelated operations and services 826 渔船操作能手、船长、渔夫 826 Fishing vessel masters and fishermen/women 主要类别92 Major Group 92 加工业,制造业,公共设施监理员和技能操作员 Processing, manufacturing and utilities supervisors and centralcontrol operators 921 加工业监理员 921 Supervisors, processing and manufacturing occupations 922 组装和制造业监理员 922 Supervisors, assembly and fabrication 923 制造,加工业的中心控制操作员、过程操作员 923 Central control and process operators in processing andmanufacturing O类 管理职位 SKill Level 0 Managementoccupations 011 行政管理人员 011 Administrative services managers 012 金融和专业服务管理人员 012 Managers in financial and business services 013 通信管理人员(广播电视业除外) 013 Managers in communication (except broadcasting) 021 工程、建筑、科技和信息业管理人员 021 Managers in engineering, architecture, science and informationsystems 031 健康、教育和社区服务管理人员 031Managers in health care, education and Community service 032 公共管理人员 032Public management personnel 主要类别 00 Major Group 00 高级管理职位 Senior management occupations 001 立法者和高级管理人员 001 Legislators and senior management 051艺术、文化、娱乐和体育管理人员 051 Managers in art, culture,recreation and sport 061 销售和广告管理人员 061 management In sales and advertise 062 零售业管理人员 062 Retail and wholesale trade managers 063 餐饮和住宿业管理人员 063 Managers in food service and accommodation 064 消防事业管理人员 064 management in fire service 065 其它管理人员 065 Managers in customer and personal services, n.e.c 071 建筑和交通业管理人员 071 Managers in construction and facility operation and maintenance 072 设备操作和维护管理人员 072 Equipment operation and maintenance management 081 主要生产管理人员(农业除外) 081 Managers in natural resources production and fishing 091 制造业和公共事业设备管理人员 091 Managers in manufacturing and utilities